Panchatantra top 10 moral stories in hindi

Panchatantra Top 10 Moral Stories In Hindi

Panchatantra Top 10 Moral Stories In Hindi

The Panchatantra is a timeless collection of ancient Indian fables, written by Vishnu Sharma. These stories are designed to impart wisdom and moral lessons through engaging tales featuring animals and human characters. The Panchatantra stories have been passed down through generations, teaching valuable life lessons in a simple and entertaining way. Here, we present the top 10 Panchatantra stories in Hindi that not only entertain but also teach important morals.

Panchatantra Top 10 Moral Stories In Hindi

  1. मित्रता की कहानी (The Story of Friendship)
  2. कछुआ और खरगोश (The Tortoise and the Hare)
  3. सिंह और चूहा (The Lion and the Mouse)
  4. दो मुर्ख बकरी (Two Foolish Goats)
  5. चालाक लोमड़ी और कौवा (The Clever Fox and the Crow)
  6. बंदर और मगरमच्छ (The Monkey and the Crocodile)
  7. लोमड़ी और अंगूर (The Fox and the Grapes)
  8. चार मित्र (The Four Friends)
  9. गधे की सवारी (The Donkey’s Ride)
  10. सियार और ढोल (The Jackal and the Drum)

Explanation of Panchatantra Top 10 Moral Stories In Hindi

1. मित्रता की कहानी (The Story of Friendship)

This story is about four friends—a deer, a crow, a tortoise, and a mouse—who work together to save each other from danger. When the deer is trapped by a hunter, the mouse gnaws through the net, the crow distracts the hunter, and the tortoise helps with the escape. It highlights the importance of friendship and teamwork, showing that together, we can overcome any obstacle.

Moral in Hindi: सच्चे दोस्त संकट के समय मदद करते हैं।
Moral in English: True friends help in times of trouble.

Read more: The Story of Friendship



2. कछुआ और खरगोश (The Tortoise and the Hare)

This classic tale highlights the value of perseverance and patience. The overconfident hare ridicules the slow-moving tortoise and challenges him to a race. The hare, sure of his victory, decides to take a nap during the race, while the tortoise continues steadily and wins. This story teaches that slow and steady wins the race and overconfidence can lead to failure.

Moral in Hindi: निरंतरता और धैर्य से सफलता मिलती है।
Moral in English: Perseverance and patience lead to success.

Read more: The Tortoise and the Hare


3. सिंह और चूहा (The Lion and the Mouse)

A mighty lion spares the life of a small mouse, who promises to return the favor someday. Later, the lion is caught in a hunter’s net, and the mouse frees him by gnawing through the ropes. This story demonstrates that even the smallest creatures can be of great help and should not be underestimated.

Moral in Hindi: छोटा जीव भी बड़े काम कर सकता है।
Moral in English: Even the smallest creature can do great deeds.

Read more: The Lion and the Mouse


4. दो मुर्ख बकरी (Two Foolish Goats)

Two goats meet on a narrow bridge from opposite sides. Neither goat is willing to step aside to let the other pass, and they end up fighting, causing both to fall into the river below. This story emphasizes the folly of stubbornness and highlights the importance of compromise and understanding.

Moral in Hindi: हठी बने रहने से नुकसान ही होता है।
Moral in English: Stubbornness leads to loss.

Read more: Two Foolish Goats


5. चालाक लोमड़ी और कौवा (The Clever Fox and the Crow)

A crow holding a piece of cheese in its beak is tricked by a clever fox who flatters the crow into singing, causing it to drop the cheese. This story teaches us to be wary of flattery and not to trust blindly. It’s a reminder that not everyone who praises us has good intentions.

Moral in Hindi: चापलूसी से सावधान रहना चाहिए।
Moral in English: Be wary of flattery.

Read more: The Clever Fox and the Crow

6. बंदर और मगरमच्छ (The Monkey and the Crocodile)

A clever monkey outwits a crocodile who wants to eat his heart by telling him it’s kept in a tree. When the crocodile offers to take him back to the tree, the monkey escapes. This story teaches the value of quick thinking and wit to overcome danger and deception.

Moral in Hindi: सूझ-बूझ से संकट को टाला जा सकता है।
Moral in English: Quick thinking can avoid danger.

Read more: The Monkey and the Crocodile


7. लोमड़ी और अंगूर (The Fox and the Grapes)

A fox tries to reach some grapes hanging high on a vine but fails. Frustrated, he convinces himself that the grapes are sour anyway. This tale is the origin of the phrase “sour grapes,” highlighting the tendency to despise what one cannot have. It teaches us not to scorn what we can’t obtain just because it’s out of our reach.

Moral in Hindi: जो चीज़ हासिल ना हो सके, उसे बुरा कहना गलत है।
Moral in English: It’s wrong to despise what you can’t have.

Read more: The Fox and the Grapes


8. चार मित्र (The Four Friends)

This story revolves around four friends—a deer, a crow, a tortoise, and a mouse—who help each other survive dangers through unity and cooperation. When the deer is trapped, the mouse, crow, and tortoise work together to free him. It teaches the strength of unity and friendship, showing that together, we are stronger.

Moral in Hindi: एकता में बल है।
Moral in English: There is strength in unity.

Read more: The Four Friends


9. गधे की सवारी (The Donkey’s Ride)

A washerman, his son, and their donkey set out on a journey. Along the way, they try to please everyone they meet, ending up in ridiculous situations like carrying the donkey themselves. This story teaches the importance of making decisions independently rather than trying to please everyone, as trying to satisfy everyone often leads to dissatisfaction and ridicule.

Moral in Hindi: सबको खुश करने की कोशिश में स्वयं को मत खोइए।
Moral in English: Don’t lose yourself trying to please everyone.

Read more: The Donkey’s Ride


10. सियार और ढोल (The Jackal and the Drum)

A jackal hears a loud noise and thinks it is a dangerous animal. Upon investigation, it finds that the noise is coming from a drum. This story teaches that fear often comes from ignorance, and it’s important to investigate and understand before jumping to conclusions.

Moral in Hindi: बिना जाने डरना सही नहीं है।
Moral in English: It’s not right to be afraid without understanding.

Read more: The Jackal and the Drum


Why Panchatantra Stories Are Relevant Today

Panchatantra stories have stood the test of time because of their universal themes and moral lessons that are still relevant today. In a world where children are constantly exposed to complex digital content, these simple yet profound stories can teach them values such as honesty, kindness, and wisdom in an engaging way. वे कहानियाँ ना केवल मनोरंजक हैं, बल्कि बच्चों को महत्वपूर्ण जीवन मूल्यों से भी अवगत कराती हैं।


Importance of Moral Stories in Child Development

Moral stories play a crucial role in a child’s development. They help in building a child’s character, teaching them the difference between right and wrong, and fostering virtues like patience, compassion, and perseverance. Panchatantra stories, with their rich narratives and clear morals, serve as an excellent resource for parents and educators to instill these values in children. नैतिक कहानियाँ बच्चों के व्यक्तित्व निर्माण में सहायक होती हैं।


How to Use Panchatantra Stories in Modern Teaching

Incorporating Panchatantra stories into modern teaching methods can make learning more effective and enjoyable. Teachers can use these stories to introduce topics in subjects like language arts, social studies, and even science by relating the morals to real-life situations. Interactive storytelling sessions, role-playing, and discussions about the morals can further enhance the learning experience. आधुनिक शिक्षण में इन कहानियों का उपयोग कर पढ़ाई को रोचक बनाया जा सकता है।




The Panchatantra stories have been a cornerstone of moral education for centuries, imparting wisdom and values through simple yet profound tales. These stories, filled with animals and humans, convey lessons of friendship, perseverance, humility, and cleverness. They teach us to value unity, think critically, and avoid pitfalls like arrogance and stubbornness.

By understanding these morals, children and adults alike can learn valuable life lessons in an engaging and memorable way. These stories, passed down through generations, continue to be relevant and meaningful today. Whether you are reading them for the first time or revisiting them, the Panchatantra tales offer timeless wisdom that resonates with all ages.

For more stories and insights, continue exploring our blog and dive deeper into the world of Panchatantra.

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